12 Jenny Mortimer: Plants in space
Plant KingdomSeptember 02, 202400:48:2866.57 MB

12 Jenny Mortimer: Plants in space

Associate Professor Dr Jenny Mortimer discusses plants as a technology, and how she applies genetic engineering as a tool to solve wicked problems of sustainability in agricultural and pharmaceutical production. Her lab uses synthetic biology to develop new crops in controlled growth environments – including plants for space settlement as part of the newly formed ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space.


Jenny Mortimer is Associate Professor of Plant Synthetic Biology in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide. She is also an Affiliate Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. After completing her PhD at Cambridge University, she began exploring how engineering the plant cell wall could deliver sustainable and economically viable biofuels. At Adelaide, her group is using synthetic biology to develop new crops for food and materials production in controlled growth environments – including for Space settlement, as part of the newly formed ARC Centre of Excellence Plants for Space (P4S). She is active in outreach and education, and collaborates with  media, schools and museums. She is a handling editor for the prestigious journals Plant Cell Physiology and The Plant Journal.

Plant Kingdom is hosted and produced by Catherine Polcz with music by Carl Didur.